Friday, 10 June 2016

Time to Play Catch Up

It's been a while since I posted. The last time I wrote the hole had been dug. Since then, we've had the pool shell installed and concreted in, water filled, enjoyed a few swims over spring, got most of the tiling done around the pool and the glass pool fence is almost complete. We have not even touched the landscaping (that will be a spring job) but it is getting there...slowly! 

Here are some photos. 

The crane arrives!

The shell arrives!

This crane is one big boy.

Up she goes over the house.

Down she goes in the hole.

The temporary fence goes up. Concrete gets put in all around the pool (to get it ready for tiling). 

It's not a large area of concrete but enough. 

Next blog post will show photos of the tiling and glass fence.